Our Governing Board

Dr. Esther Offei-Aboagye
She is the chairperson of ISODEC. She is a seasoned researcher with a solid track record as a policy analyst and a development management expert. Over the years, she has played lead roles in training policy/law makers, as well as the development of research and policy guidelines in a range of areas including local economic development, gender mainstreaming, natural resources and environmental management. She was the Director of the Institute of Local Government Studies (ILGS) Dr. Ofei-Aboagye was a senior lecturer at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). She has worked as a consultant on programme design and evaluation exercises for both international and national organizations. She has a PhD in Public Policy from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom; a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Carleton University, Ottawa Canada; and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Studies and a Diploma in Education from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. She serves on a number of other boards in the public and non-governmental sectors including the University of Ghana Council and the National Development Planning Commission. She became a member of the College of Research Associates of the United Nations University Institute of Natural Resources in Africa in 1999; and is a member of the international action-policy-research network, Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO).

Dr. Bishop Akolgo
He was the immediate past Executive Director of ISODEC. He holds an MSc Economics and Social Studies from the University of Wales UK. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Economics at the UGSM- Monarch Business School in Switzerland. He had over twenty years of working experience and worked as a Consultant in many fields including Extractives, Water and Sanitation, Economic modelling and Business Development.

Prof. Agyapomaa Gyeke-Dako
She is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the Department of Finance, University of Ghana Business School, Legon, Accra-Ghana and a Country Programme Manager, Bloomberg Media Initiative Africa, Financial Journalism Training Programme She holds a PhD in Economics from The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK and MSc in Economics & Financial Economics University of Nottingham She serves on many committees and teams at the University of Ghana and authored many research papers

Prof. Joseph Saa Dittoh
He is an agricultural/rural development economist with special interest in promotion of smallholder agriculture especially in relation to food and nutrition security, sustainable agricultural and food systems, irrigation and agricultural water management technologies, sustainable natural resources management, ICT for rural development and participatory learning approaches. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE). He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Ghana Journal of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (GJAEAB). Prof. Dittoh has collaborated with several international organizations and institutions in research. They include IITA, IWMI, IFPRI, UNU, CIRAD, World Vegetable Centre (Taiwan), CIAT, IUCN, Wageningen University, Vrije University in Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, University of KwaZulu Natal and others. He has also been a consultant to various organizations including UNICEF, WFP, FAO, IFAD, The World Bank, AfDB, World Vision, USAID, DFID, CIDA, GiZ, AFD, NEPAD, AGRA and several governmental and private sector establishments mainly in Ghana and Nigeria. He participated actively in the development of Ghana’s Medium Term Agriculture Sector Development Plans (METASIP I and II) and several other national development endeavours. Prof. Dittoh had been Head of Department, Dean of Faculty, Dean of Students and Pro-Vice Chancellor at the UDS at different times.

Mr. Charles Abugre
He is a trained development economist who has devoted most of his working life to the fight against poverty and inequality. Previous roles include being Head of Global Advocacy and Policy division of Christian Aid, UK; Africa Regional Director of the United Nations Millennium Campaign, UNDP ,former Commissioner of the Ghana National Development Planning Commission (NDPC); former CEO of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority where he is credited for facilitating the development of a transformational master plan for the Northern Savannah Ecological Zone of Ghana and co-founder of several national and regional CSOs. His education includes an M.A. Development Studies (Economic Policy and Planning), Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands and B.A. Hons(Economics and Geography), University of Ghana, Legon.

Mr. Ernest Tay Awoosah
Mr. Ernest Tay Awoosah, the former Executive Director of ISODEC, holds a Master of Science Degree in International Development from the University of Bristol, UK. With over thirty-five years of experience, he has served as a consultant in Water and Sanitation, Small Business Development, and Strategic Planning. His extensive expertise lies in the development and management of local NGOs