News & Blogs

Develop traceable systems to reduce Illicit Financial Flows in the Mining sector- ISODEC advises Gov’t

The Integrated Social Development Centre, (ISODEC) a leading Policy, Research and Advocacy Organization in the country has advised the government of Ghana to develop and implement traceable structures that track gold from extraction to final sale.  ISODEC believes that such traceable systems would help reduce Illicit Financial Flows(IFFs) from the Mining sector, increase domestic revenue mobilization and boost […]
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ISODEC engages Northern Ghana Stakeholders to kick-start ‘SHIFT the Power’ Project

The Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC) has held a day’s consultative meeting with diverse stakeholders in Northern Ghana to help shape its focus, provide input to enable the organization address its institutional and financial sustainability whilst repositioning itself to respond to the priorities of its constituents. The meeting was part of STAR Ghana Foundation’s eight-year […]
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ISODEC, NMJD discuss Natural Resource Governance in Sierra Leone

The Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC), a Policy and Advocacy Think Tank in Ghana, in collaboration with the Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD) have jointly held a National Policy Roundtable on Natural Resource Governance in Sierra Leone. The event, which was financed by Ford Foundation, featured the Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources […]
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Mainstream Energy Transition into Decentralized Local Government Structure- ISODEC

The Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC), one of Ghana’s foremost policy think tanks is calling on the Government through the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) to consider mainstreaming Energy Transition into  Ghana’s decentralized local government structure. The NDPC is also being asked to incorporate a mandatory thematic area on reducing energy poverty and insist on […]
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Stakeholders discuss Ghana’s preparedness for energy transition

A review of Ghana’s preparedness for energy transition has revealed gaps in policy implementation and highlighted the risk of falling short of set targets. The study —which recognises that the call for action on energy transition was more eminent now than ever as the adverse impacts of increasing greenhouse gases (GHS) was devastating on the […]
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Ghana hosts West Africa Conference on natural resource management in August

The National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) in collaboration with Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC) will organise a high-level West Africa policy conference on inequalities and natural resource management in Accra. The four-day conference, slated for August 16-20, 2022, will address the role of natural resources management in reducing the widening economic and social inequalities in […]
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Egypt requests IMF support as economy buffeted by Ukraine spillover

CAIRO, March 23 (Reuters) – Egypt has asked for the International Monetary Fund’s support to implement a comprehensive economic programme, the IMF said on Wednesday. Continued exchange rate flexibility would be essential to absorb external shocks, it said in a statement. The IMF is working closely with Egyptian authorities to prepare for discussions with a […]
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MIIF to increase royalties with establishment of inter-agency framework, task force

Royalty payments due the Government of Ghana from non-gold minerals such as manganese, salt, limestone and quarrying activities are set for an upturn due to an inter-agency collaboration framework and task force initiated by the Minerals Income Investment Fund (MIIF). The framework is part of the strategic thrust of MIIF to enhance the collection of royalties, expand the […]
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Kotoka Airport’s power disconnected over ¢49m debt

The Electricity Company of Ghana, ECG has cut off power supply to some parts of the Kotoka International Airport. According to reports power was cut to Terminal 3 of the Kotoka international Airport and other offices of the Ghana Airports Company over unpaid bills. The Kotoka International Airport owes the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) to […]
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